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goosebumps, amazing

What's the password?



for the zip file


this is one of the best horror games i've ever played. No jumpscares, but still eerie :)

High quality game


This game is amazing, I won't be surprised if its start trending in no long I mean wow I barely enjoy horror game like this one, the vibe is incridible a mix of nostalgia and discomfort, the story between the character honestly made me cry it's just purely incredible, thanks you for this masterclass, it's a new hyper fixation for me 


How to do  the photo puzzle? I think I've put EVERYTHING that make sense to me 

witch one? If it's the code make sure it's in the middle if its after for oppen the door watch the star when you click on the photo, if the star disappear immediatly its a click if its linger you have to hold whne you knock on the door. Watch the order and follow the placement of the picture:)

sorry that I reply only now, I have a problem with a puzzle were you need to put 3 photos

ok so if I remember well there somoene you trust, its your wallpaper, somoene you love its lawson (in the dekstop) and the rensponsable of all of this you take the picture of liz in me:) I hope this help and enjoy this game, it’s truelly a masterpiece, even more when you will see the lore <33

AHHH THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!!!1! I though I was doing something wring bc they kept moving

So good!

this is so sick :p i love it!


how do you get into otherworld?

go in the contact, talk to the only one online, you will have to unlock the zip file (for this look in the other chat) then it will ask you to resolve a question (he answer in the file) if you answer right it will give you a code to oppen the other word:)



ok so if i remember well first is the 4 grave, next the statue, next the fountain and the last one are the candle 

amazing amazing

this is amazing i love thi

can someone please help me with the fountain thing and the wall full of letter


of course! look the symbole that are on the foutain and remake them with the symbole on the wall, you will see that the fountain makes letter. Once you got all the leters that makes a word that you have to write with the letter in the wall in the other room!:)

this was so insanely cool, thank you (:, hope you make some more games

this was awesome, I cant even describe

An unsettling sense of nostalgia washed over me, mingling with the restless energy of adolescence. It felt like stepping back into a past that was both familiar and strange, where memories resurfaced, tinged with a raw eagerness to rebel and explore. The atmosphere was thick with a haunting yet thrilling edge, as if the echoes of teenage rebellion were lingering in the air, pulling me into a bittersweet mix of yearning and defiance.

this is amazin

Some of the best game I have ever played in this website


what is the code to the photo thing


oppen the playlist and put it in the center of the wallpaper, listen to the song in the order that the wallpaper give you, the song will gave you number you just have to write them:) (the lyrics appear on the top of the playlist, you don't have to put sound for this)

(1 edit)

not helpful um ever mind it was 


This is awesome, no stupid jumpscares like most horror games use, and the story was really good. For anyone who's looking at the comments for help, trust me you have everything you need on there.

Would really enjoy to stream this game,does anyone know if the songs in game are copyright?(DMCA

I will not do any DMCA on streams of the game

I need help with the statues.....

Click them in the following order: Goat (Red) - Eagle (Green) - Lion (Yellow) - Ox (Purple) x3



jogo bao

gud game

Best game ever! I even cried and i will definetly carry those final dialogs with me, love how the message was passed and hope to find more awesome games like this<3.(btw i loved the aesthetic of the game, the songs and the translation too and if anyone knows where to find the songs ,if they are published, pls tell me bcs im quite obssessed on them) (and sorry if my english its bad, thats not my first language)


you told me so much tysm

no worries

I didn't expect to enjoy this game so much! The puzzles weren't too difficult nor too easy, and the story to it was actually great! Even the music files were good- absolute masterpiece

great game :)

I played this game for several hours but 

- I like it

- Finish the game when I was younger

- 9.2/10 (I was a bit scared)

- I recommend to play this game if you are a good player

(1 edit)

Can someone tell me in what order to knock on the door? Pls


there are short and long knocks, the first is: long short short long, second: long long long short, third: long short long short, fourth: short long short long. Hope this helps!

Tyy soo much. It realy helped <3

This was soo fun!! I genuinely hope you make more games like this in the future!

Only cried a tiny bit

DUUUUUDEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, this is amazing! you did really well on this game, i love it!


I loved this so much. Such deep concepts. Please continue the game!

I don't know why, but this game reminded me a neon genesis evangelion.. Abstract but also so deep 


please expand this. it is so good.


I really liked this experience, the puzzles were quite challenging and the tension was rising until the end. The whole concept made me think of the movie Searching and I saw later on that it was an inspiration for the game so great job haha

This game was incredible, it made me so emotional and the puzzles and the story were so engaging, I can't wait to see what else you put out! It really was an amazing game

How do I get into the door knocking thing?

its the sequence of the photos on the left, you have to see the longs and short knock(to make aa long knock just hold it for some seconds)


what's password photo


check some chats


no thats not it

put the playlist thing where it has Songs in the middle of where the numbers are and play those songs in that order


that was an absolutely incredible game, i dont really play horror games in general but so happy i decided to play this one

great game!

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