Community translations are underway!

We've been slowly pushing out support for community translations!

For people interested in the technical work behind this endeavour:

The reason why this has been so hard to do is because the game wasn't initially developed with translations in mind and we had to touch every single part of the game to extract text. We also ran into issues with our pixel typefaces not supporting other languages, so we've packed the game with more typefaces. In certain parts of the game, text is baked directly into an image texture, and so we had to reprogram these parts to dynamically generate the texture with whatever text we want. Even the title card needed to be reprogrammed so that it could animate and be spaced out properly, as well as to handle when letters in the title don't exist for the opening text.

For those interested in contributing translations:

Please join our Discord! We got people working on Chinese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Russian, and Spanish translations. Please come and help out. Multiple translations for the same language can also exist. Eventually we expect to package these community translations with the game!

For those interested in playing a community translation:

There are a couple *.jsonc files in the Discord and all you have to do is drag and drop them on top of the game to load the translation. This only work on Desktop at the moment but we will be adding mobile support soon.

Files Play in browser
6 days ago


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Do you guys need Portuguese-BR? I would love to help for free.